Lessons & Training


Riders choose my program because they desire a sound, harmonious relationship with their horse.

I have systematically built my program with thoughtful, patient training techniques and an array of exercises that help riders achieve their goals. I teach balance, strength training, rider and horse position, and conceptual understanding of classical dressage work that will bring you to your best partnership.


Heather’s program helps riders:

  • Set and achieve reasonable GOALS


  • Improve RIDER POSITION, body awareness, and physical fitness

  • Build your horse's PHYSICAL FITNESS through a well rounded training plan using poles, lunging, groundwork, hacking, and a variety of exercises in the arena

  • Train your horse with understanding of the TRAINING SCALE, regardless of your chosen discipline

  • Build horse and rider MENTAL FITNESS

  • Learn how to help your horse WANT to work for you through understanding their needs

  • Be able to ASSESS and RESPOND to the horse you have each day

  • Become an independent rider...How did I get there in my lesson?...Understand WHY

  • Improve your relationship with your horse...create HARMONY on the ground and in the saddle


Training Options


Full Training

Full training includes 5 sessions per week that may be used as lessons or training rides. Full training is billed at $250 per week or $50 per session.


Partial Training

Partial training includes 3 sessions per week that may be used as lessons or training rides. Partial training is billed at $165 per week or $55 per session.


Bi-Weekly Training

Bi-weekly training includes 2 sessions per week that may be used as lessons or training rides. Bi-weekly training is billed at $130 per week or $65 per session.

Weekly Training

Weekly training includes 1 session per week that may be used as a lesson or training ride. Weekly training is billed at $70 per week/session.